SHALOM SALAAM PEACE |  | Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace efshari gam kan lo rak beParis o beNice o beAbeba Adis - kotekim mele'im anashim kulam dancing ki kulam mabsutim mechaychkim rokdim sharim beshalom mevar'chim ki yesh Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace
Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace efshari gam kan lo rak beParis, beTunis o beNice Nice Nice ha'oyvim nanis, ha'eyvah namis, ha'eymah nabis, ahavah nafitz, Af echad lo rotzeh lamut aval im kvar chayavim az lo adif beLevi's bim'kom bemadim be'ezrat ha'esev nechafef ta'etzev kulam yecholim lir'kod achshav lichyot betoch haketzev
Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace efshari gam kan lo rak beParis o beNice o beAmsterdam - ela gam kan - anashim chofshim holchim osim Tai Chi pot'chim teivah ve'lo poch'dim mitzav shel milu'im ki shalom zeh - yoter miketz k'ravot o minetach o mishetach shalom zot har'gashah aval zeh lo chadash labetach ken shalom zot shalom zot shalvah shalom zeh fan'an vekol ha'olam sha'anan.
Az al tagidu yom yavo havi'u et hayom uvechol hakikarot hari'u lashalom Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace efshari gam kan lo rak beParis o beNice o beBoston - shel milim lo yuchlu li lehas'bir kamah shetzarich shalom - zeh k'mo avir tzarich shalom - zeh k'mo avir... tzarich shalom - zeh k'mo avir... tzarich shalom - zeh k'mo avir...
Shoufou s'habi lazem salam Bfaker hayda wade'h lal kull Ana kount w ana shouft Bi Australia el nass aaysheen Sababa W kef la? yaani zay el kangaroo Zay el koala Fi kol el aalam dawla maa el salam Hiya dawla sababa W dawla bdoun dawla kharbana W shou el kissa lekbira Ana mesh aaref Koul elli lazem nsawwi Netsaraf metl el adamiyeen W mesh zay el hayawanat
Tir'u chevreh tzarich shalom vezeh kvar dei barur lekulam ani choshev ani hayiti ani ra'iti be-Australia ha'anashim nir'im tov hem nir'im k'mo kangaroo nir'im km'o koalot vebich'lal...eretz im shalom zo eretz sababa ve'eretz bli shalom zo eretz charbana az mah hasipur hagadol ani lo mevin sach hakol mah shetz'richim la'asot zeh lehitnaheg km'o bnei adam lo k'mo chayot legalot tipah yoter derech eretz az sheyihyeh lekulanu behatz'lachah... | | | SHALOM SALAAM PEACE |  | Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace it's possible here too not just in Paris or Nice or Adis Abeba disco's full of people everyone dancing 'cuz everyone's content smiling, dancing, singing, blessing of peace because there is Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace
Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace it's possible here too not just in Paris or Tunis or in Nice Nice Nice we'll rout out the enemies, we'll met the hostility we'll defeat the terror, we'll spread love Nobody wants to die but if one must then isn't it prefereable in jeans instead of a uniform with the help of grass we'll take out the sadness everyone can dance now to live inside the beat
Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace it's possible here too not just in Paris or Nice or in Amsterdam - but here too - free people walk do Tai Chi open a box, aren't being afraid of reserve duty call-up because peace is - more than a ceasefire or a piece or a zone peace is a feeling but that's not new for sure, yes peace is peace is tranquility peace is fun* and the whole world is tranquil.
So don't say a day will come, bring the day and in all the city squares cheer for peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace Shalom salaam peace it's possible here too not just in Paris or Nice or Boston - words could not explain to me how much peace is needed - like air peace is needed - like air... peace is needed - like air... peace is needed - like air...
Look my friend, peace is a must I think this is clear for everybody I've been and I've seen In Australia people live in peace "obviously" (why wouldn't they) (ironic slang) I mean just like kangaroo And koala In the world, each country with peace Is a country sababa And the one with no peace, is a chaos And what's the big deal I don't know All we need to do Is to act like human beings And not like animals
Look, gang, we need peace and it's already quite clear to everyone I think I was (there) and I saw in Australia people look good they look like kangaroos like koalas and totally...a land with peace is a fun land and a land without peace is a land of foul mess* so what's the big story I don't understand after all, what's needed to do is to behave like human beings not like animals to show some more respect so then good luck to us all... | |
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